More Details about Zoe Hennessey
My work is more appropriately defined by the titles "Fashion Stylist" and "Personal Shopper". Fashion Consulting is a different field, and not an area I want to focus. Thus, I have only answered the questions that apply to me:

• How did you start your career in fashion styling?
I have been obsessed with clothes since I was a toddler. I knew I wanted to work in fashion, but all the sewing and draping needed to be a fashion designer turned me off - I just wanted to draw! I studied illustration, and after graduating I moved to NYC. Randomly, I met a girl who told me I could shop for a living (this was long before fashion styling was a popular career choice). Eventually I met a stylist, and booked my first "job" as an unpaid intern. My first shoot was at Pier 59 for Nike, and Terry Richardson was the photographer. It was a crazy first experience! I was shy and quiet, but I learned the ropes and worked really hard, started getting paying assisting jobs. After 10 years, I stopped assisting and started taking on my own styling jobs.
I have been obsessed with clothes since I was a toddler. I knew I wanted to work in fashion, but all the sewing and draping needed to be a fashion designer turned me off - I just wanted to draw! I studied illustration, and after graduating I moved to NYC. Randomly, I met a girl who told me I could shop for a living (this was long before fashion styling was a popular career choice). Eventually I met a stylist, and booked my first "job" as an unpaid intern. My first shoot was at Pier 59 for Nike, and Terry Richardson was the photographer. It was a crazy first experience! I was shy and quiet, but I learned the ropes and worked really hard, started getting paying assisting jobs. After 10 years, I stopped assisting and started taking on my own styling jobs.
• What do you like outside of fashion?
Fashion, in all its forms, infiltrates my entire existence! Travel is my next big love, and I believe I am drawn to exploration for the same reason I love fashion - to discover and be inspired by new beautiful things! New places to see architecture, interiors, art, experience food and different cultures, are all part of the learning experience that makes my form of art (fashion styling) richer and more interesting.
Fashion, in all its forms, infiltrates my entire existence! Travel is my next big love, and I believe I am drawn to exploration for the same reason I love fashion - to discover and be inspired by new beautiful things! New places to see architecture, interiors, art, experience food and different cultures, are all part of the learning experience that makes my form of art (fashion styling) richer and more interesting.
• Do you think your personal style affects how you style other people?
I approach clothes as a form of art; however, art is subjective, and I try to be easy-going and as understanding as possible to my client's wants and needs. My clients recognize my sophisticated taste level, and return to my services knowing I am going to provide them with a creative solution, uniquely mine.
I approach clothes as a form of art; however, art is subjective, and I try to be easy-going and as understanding as possible to my client's wants and needs. My clients recognize my sophisticated taste level, and return to my services knowing I am going to provide them with a creative solution, uniquely mine.
My personal style isn’t just about my personal likes and dislikes when it comes to fashion; it also comes from extensive study and knowledge of trends, colors, fit, patterns, etc. My clients come to me, and come back to me, because they know I’m bringing my unique point of view - and a sophisticated taste - to all of these elements when I’m styling for them. More details visit
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