How to Become a Fashion Stylist

There’s more to becoming a Fashion Stylist than just loving clothes and knowing what shoe to wear with what outfit - though both of those come in very handy on the job! Being a Fashion Stylist on a full-time basis requires a lot of knowledge of current style, an understanding of your clients’ needs, plus a personal aesthetic to help pull it all together. But to get there requires a lot of time, a lot of patience, and a lot of shopping. Here are some tips to make styling into a career.

1. Follow fashion.
Chances are if you’re considering styling as a job, this is something you’re already doing. But it’s important to follow fashion in terms of what trends are hot right now, and more importantly, what trends are on their way. Check out and follow a lot of Instagram style accounts, keep tabs on what celebs and trendsetters are wearing, and follow up on runway shows from major and minor designers. It’s a lot to keep track of, but this is how you’ll keep current on what’s going on in the styling world.

2. Work as an assistant.
This is where all the best stylists are built or broken. Find a job as an assistant for an established stylist. This may be an internship or a paid job. Your responsibilities will be to help with shopping and organization. Expect to carry a lot of bags and do a lot of walking! Expect early mornings and long days. This is the unglamorous side of becoming a stylist. It’s a lot of hard work, but it also gives you the opportunity to observe how the business works. Pay attention to how a good stylist speaks to her clients; how she blends her knowledge of fashion with her clients’ needs and her own sense of what works and what doesn’t. Listen and learn to anticipate what the stylist will choose for particular clients and jobs. Show up on time and ready to work. A great assistant gets called back and, eventually, called up to be a stylist.

3. Build a portfolio.
While assisting (hopefully) pays the bills, you still need to show people you can make styling an art. Reach out to photographers you like to do some test shoots. This will get you some professional-quality photos of your work. While the cost of these shoots will come out your pocket, think of it as investing in your future. Try to find a nice mix of more basic commercial styling and fun things that really show off your personal aesthetic. Have fun and it will show in the pictures.

4. Show the world.
Create a website to show off what you’re working on. Create a professional instagram profile and add to it as often as you can. Potential clients want to see that you are staying busy, and staying on-trend!

5. Build a client base.
If you’ve proven to be a good assistant and you’ve got some solid shots in your portfolio, chances are you’ll get the call from a stylist who trusts you to take on a client yourself. Once you’ve got a client, hang on to them! Companies and personal clients like to build long-term relationships with stylists they know. Follow up on emails and phone calls. Show your clients you’re professional and that you care, and they’ll keep hiring you. And they’ll pass your name on to others.

6. Build a brand.
As you get more clients, keep working on how people see you. Keep adding to your website and your social media presence. Replace older shoots with newer content to show who you’re working for now. Fashion is always evolving, so show you’re evolving with it.

Success as a stylist isn’t always easy, but with a lot of hard work, and confidence in what you know and what you can offer, you can build a long career.More details Contact Zoe Hennessey or visit


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